Here's a few you may know...
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides-Arrgh Matey...Johnny Depp!
The Descendants-Filmed a scene in a favorite dive bar, Tahiti Nui in Hanalei.
Soul Surfer-A lot of Kauai in this film. The inspiring story of surfer Bethany Hamilton!
Lilo and Stitch-This is stretching it, but, if you watch the movie you'll recognize Kauai.
Jurassic Park- Breath-taking shots of Kauai!
6 Days 7 Nights
George of the Jungle
Outbreak-Morgan Freeman & Dustin Huffman! You can see the set along the Wailua River.
Honeymoon in Vegas-Sarah Jessica Parker, James Caan and Nicolas Cage. "Kapa'aa?"
Lord of the Flies
The Thorn Birds
Uncommon Valor
Raiders of the Lost Ark-Harrison Ford. Indy swings across the Huleia stream.
Fantasy Island-Not a movie, but the opening scene is Wailua Falls. "Da plane, Da Plane!"
Gilligan's Island-Also for TV, one of my favs, opening scene filmed at Moloaa Bay.
Donovan's Reef
Blue Hawaii-Our favorite Elvis movie! Lots of Kauai and the Coco Palms Resort in Wailua.
South Pacific-Based on the book Tales of the South Pacific many scenes were filmed on Kauai.
Which movie is your favorite?
Have a great weekend!