Always leave space in your suitcase for the Hawaii goodies you love. Kauai Kookies, Hanalei Poi and Redondo's Winners for us! The poi and the winners (not wieners) have to be frozen before you pack them in your checked luggage.
Today we enjoyed our Redondo's hot dogs...yummy! A nice reminder of good times on our vacation. They're made on Oahu. On Kauai you can find them at Foodland in Kapaa. They come 10 to the package, not 8 like hot dog buns do. You can use the extra 2 winners for your Filipino Spaghetti! Filipino Spaghetti sauce always contains hot dogs :)
Always bring your aloha home with you...Keep Kauai in your heart or your tummy!
Have a great week all!
PS: If anyone knows why Redondo's is Winners not Wieners...please post a comment!